Image of deepro

Deepro das

Mern Stack Developer || Full Stack Developer || Software Engineer

I am Deepro Das. But you will find me everywhere with the handle name Deepro. I'm a self-taught Web Developer.

💻 I like love coding
🔭 I’m currently working on a Web-Apps.
🌱 I’m currently learning Web 3.0 Technologies
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on opensource and group projects.

Having some expertise in Front End Development. Experienced with various ways to deal with the advancement of dynamic web projects. Knowledgeable in various programming dialects and libraries including HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, ReactJS, NodeJS, MongoDB, MySQL, PHP, Python and so on.

"Live your life , Live your dream" -Deepro das


Milestone School and college

Secondary School Certificate

Uttara High School and College

Higher Secondary School Certificate

Uttara University

B.Sc in Computer Science and Engineering


Extra-Curriculam Activities

NO. Activities Position Time Period Link
1 Binary Fest - 2023 In dept. of CSE Co-convener March 2023 - May 2023 Uttara University
2 Department of CSE Student Ambassador September 2022 - December 2023 Uttara University
3 Cyber Security Club Organization Secretary April 2022 - December 2023 Department of CSE, Uttara University